I have decided that my poor hubby is doomed. It is bad enough that there is always a honey do list ... (But then again.. most hubby's have those) Mine involves grandiose projects all the time. Creations of my mind left for him to try and create with only my explanation for directions. We just moved and are still getting settled in and we have a TON of to do projects on fixing up the home here and there. I have already created two projects on top of all the others that I want him to build. He seems to enjoy it so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad... and well... I have to say it is his fault for being so handy and so darn good at it. I love the hubby he makes me happy.
I finally had to come to grips with the fact that my Mr is not handy and started hiring out the jobs I want done. I think we're both happier. On the other hand, my Mr is creating a whole new blog just for me. He's testing platforms right now, soon the ".blogspot" will be banished from my URL
Hubby enjoys being handy so it is good. I just have more to do things than he has the time to do. Your Mr is handy in other ways. You will have to let me know when you change your blog spot... I know nothing of these things... It is taking me all I have just to figure this stuff out.
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